The show centers around Liz Lemon, played by Tina Fey, who's the head writer of The Girlie Show. When her old boss dies and a new boss (Alec Baldwin) comes in demanding the addition of a volatile former movie star, Liz must figure out how to keep things running smoothly without losing her mind.
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 2006-2013
Network: NBC
The show centers around Liz Lemon, played by Tina Fey, who's the head writer of The Girlie Show. When her old boss dies and a new boss (Alec Baldwin) comes in demanding the addition of a volatile former movie star, Liz must figure out how to keep things running smoothly without losing her mind.
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 2006-2013
Network: NBC
Principal Cast
- Alan Alda
- Fred Armisen
- Will Arnett
- Alec Baldwin
- Elizabeth Banks
- Matthew Broderick
- Steve Buscemi
- Matt Damon
- Edie Falco
- Will Ferrell
- Tina Fey
- Will Forte
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Kelsey Grammer
- Jon Hamm
- Tom Hanks
- Michael Keaton
- Jane Krakowski
- James Marsden
- Julianne Moore
- Tracy Morgan
- Emily Mortimer
- Megan Mullally
- Denise Richards
- Isabella Rossellini
- Susan Sarandon
- Michael Sheen
- Mary Steenburgen
- Emma Stone
- Elaine Stritch
- Jason Sudeikis
- Rip Torn
- Scott Adsit
- Katrina Bowden
- Danielle Brickman
- Kevin Brown
- Grizz Chapman
- Judah Friedlander
- John Lutz
- Gaten Matarazzo
- Jack McBrayer
- Maulik Pancholy
- Keith Powell
- Lonny Ross