A supernatural crime drama involving a police detective (played by David Giuntoli) who can see the dual nature of creatures among us hiding in human form. As the descendant of the Grimms, he can see their inner natures. He also has the responsibility of being judge, jury, and sometimes executioner for crimes among these others for which there are no human laws that apply.
Genre: Fantasy Adventure Drama
Release Date: 2011
Network: NBC
A supernatural crime drama involving a police detective (played by David Giuntoli) who can see the dual nature of creatures among us hiding in human form. As the descendant of the Grimms, he can see their inner natures. He also has the responsibility of being judge, jury, and sometimes executioner for crimes among these others for which there are no human laws that apply.
Genre: Fantasy Adventure Drama
Release Date: 2011
Network: NBC
Akela Cooper
Alan DiFiore
Brenna Kouf
Cameron Litvack
Catherine Butterfield
Dan E. Fesman
David Greenwalt
David Simkins
Jeff Miller
Jim Kouf
Jose Molina
Kyle McVey
Marc Gaffen
Martin Weiss
Mary Page Keller
Michael Duggan
Michael Golamco
Naren Shankar
Nevin Densham
Richard Hatem
Rob Wright
Sarah Goldfinger
Sean Calder
Spiro Skentzos
Stephen Carpenter
Thania St. John
Thomas Ian Griffith
William Bigelow
Akela Cooper
Alan DiFiore
Brenna Kouf
Cameron Litvack
Catherine Butterfield
Dan E. Fesman
David Greenwalt
David Simkins
Jeff Miller
Jim Kouf
Jose Molina
Kyle McVey
Marc Gaffen
Martin Weiss
Mary Page Keller
Michael Duggan
Michael Golamco
Naren Shankar
Nevin Densham
Richard Hatem
Rob Wright
Sarah Goldfinger
Sean Calder
Spiro Skentzos
Stephen Carpenter
Thania St. John
Thomas Ian Griffith
William Bigelow