A sitcom that shows what happens when hyperintelligent roommates/physicists Sheldon and Leonard meet Penny, a beautiful woman moving in next door--and realize they know next to nothing about life outside of the lab.
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 2007
Network: CBS
Writer(s)Adam Faberman
Andy Roth
Anthony Del Broccolo
Bill Prady
Chuck Lorre
Daley Haggar
David Goetsch
David Litt
David Saltzberg
Eddie Gorodetsky
Eric Kaplan
Gary Torvinen
Jennifer Glickman
Jeremy Howe
Jessica Ambrosetti
Jim Reynolds
Lee Aronsohn
Maria Ferrari
Nicole Lorre
Richard Rosenstock
Robert Cohen
Saladin K. PattersonStephen Engel
Steve Holland
Steven Molaro
Tara Hernandez
Tim Doyle
Todd Craig