The Haves and the Have Nots is a new television drama from the prolific writer, director and producer Tyler Perry. The series follows the complicated dynamic and contrasting lifestyles between three families: the rich and powerful Cryer and Harrington families and the impoverished Young family, as their lives intersect in Savannah, Georgia. On the surface, the Cryers are the enviable face of success and wealth but the familys dysfunction threatens to destroy their world of privilege. Cryer family patriarch, Jim Cryer (John Schneider) is a powerful judge whose penchant for high-priced escorts puts his family and political ambitions at risk. Wife and matriarch Katheryn Cryer (Renee Lawless) portrays the loving and dutiful wife whose willing to do anything to protect her familys status. Their son, Wyatt (Aaron OConnell) is a troubled, angry jock in and out of rehab. His sister Amanda (Jaclyn Betham) is a struggling law student who tries to live up to her parents expectations but unwittingly befriends a scurrilous young woman, Candace Young, with the power to ruin the entire family. Hanna Young (Crystal Fox) is the Cryers maid and matriarch of her family. She prides herself on her dutiful son, Benny (Tyler Lepley) and is anchored by her religious faith. Her one dark secret is her estranged daughter Candace, (Tika Sumpter) a manipulative opportunist who will do anything to get what she wants. In a bizarre twist of fate, Candace is shocked to learn that her new-found friend Amandas father, is Jim Cryer who has been paying her for sex and who also employs her mother as his familys maid. Armed with this ammunition, the stage is set for what Candace believes is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Genre: Family Drama
Release Date: 2013
Network: OWN
The Haves and the Have Nots is a new television drama from the prolific writer, director and producer Tyler Perry. The series follows the complicated dynamic and contrasting lifestyles between three families: the rich and powerful Cryer and Harrington families and the impoverished Young family, as their lives intersect in Savannah, Georgia. On the surface, the Cryers are the enviable face of success and wealth but the familys dysfunction threatens to destroy their world of privilege. Cryer family patriarch, Jim Cryer (John Schneider) is a powerful judge whose penchant for high-priced escorts puts his family and political ambitions at risk. Wife and matriarch Katheryn Cryer (Renee Lawless) portrays the loving and dutiful wife whose willing to do anything to protect her familys status. Their son, Wyatt (Aaron OConnell) is a troubled, angry jock in and out of rehab. His sister Amanda (Jaclyn Betham) is a struggling law student who tries to live up to her parents expectations but unwittingly befriends a scurrilous young woman, Candace Young, with the power to ruin the entire family. Hanna Young (Crystal Fox) is the Cryers maid and matriarch of her family. She prides herself on her dutiful son, Benny (Tyler Lepley) and is anchored by her religious faith. Her one dark secret is her estranged daughter Candace, (Tika Sumpter) a manipulative opportunist who will do anything to get what she wants. In a bizarre twist of fate, Candace is shocked to learn that her new-found friend Amandas father, is Jim Cryer who has been paying her for sex and who also employs her mother as his familys maid. Armed with this ammunition, the stage is set for what Candace believes is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Genre: Family Drama
Release Date: 2013
Network: OWN