The series follows a unique ensemble of characters as their paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways, we find that several of them share the same birthday - and so much more than anyone would expect.
Genre: Drama
Release Date: Fall 2016
Network: NBC
Writer(s)Aurin Squire
Bekah BrunstetterCasey Johnson
Dan FogelmanDanielle Bauman
David Windsor
Don Ross
Donald Todd
Eboni Freeman
Elan Mastal
Elizabeth BergerIsaac AptakerJake Schnesel
Jas Waters
Joe Lawson
Jon Dorsey
Jonny Gomez
Julia Brownell
K. J. Steinberg
Kay Oyegun
Kevin FallsLaura Kenar
Shukree Tighman
Susan Kelechi Watson
Tim O`Brien
Tyler Bensinger
Vera Herbert