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Finding Dory

Dory, a naive, blue tang fish who was separated from her parents as a child, finds friends Nemo and Marlin to help her reunite with her family.
  • Release Date6/2016
  • DistributorBuena Vista Pictures
  • GenreAnimation
  • Est. Production Cost $210 million
  • Est. Profitable
US Box Office$485,505Est. US Film Rentals$228,187
Foreign Box Office$535,100Est. Foreign Film Rentals$214,040
World Box Office$1,020,605Est. World Film Rentals$442,227

Note: Film Rentals is the amount received by Distributors from Theaters/Exhibitors. A film's profitability may be assessed when estimated world film rentals approach/equal/exceed estimated production cost. DVD, Television, Digital and Ancillary revenues are then added and production, marketing and other costs deducted (Cost variables may affect this calculation).

Approximately one half of the films released each year in the U.S. avoid the considerable marketing costs of a wide release in theaters and go directly to digital and other media often taking them into profit. A substantial number are made for and streamed by Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney, Apple, Peacock, HBO and similar platforms.


Music Supervisor(s)
Thomas Newman